Wednesday, December 21, 2011

The republican primaries....

"The republicans had a great candidate...BUT unfortunately he had been divorced and then re-married. He had also worked actively with members of the other party on a hot-button issue. It turns out that even members of his immediate family disagree with his politics. His campaign staff quit early on in the primary process. In the face of primary attacks when his opponents had more money and organization, he asked for an end to the negative, intra-party attacks. And, to top it all off, he had crazy and "zany" ideas about American technology in space." These are the current talking points in the media concerning Newt Gingrich. However, I was describing a candidate in the 1980 GOP primaries; Ronald Reagan. Reagan was divorced, and re-married and had children from both marriages. His daughter, Patti, vocally took part in anti-nuclear marches around the nation in 1982. Reagan also worked closely with the opposition party both as president and as governor of California to advance policies that greatly benefited the people he served. On the morning of the New Hampshire primaries in 1980, Reagan's top campaign staff resigned. It was candidate Reagan who re-asserted the "11th Commandment" against speaking ill of a fellow republican. Finally, it was candidate Reagan who had the "zany" idea to think about using space as a frontier to defend our nation. The media derided it as "Star Wars" but the program is now alive, developing and becoming a reality. And the threat of his idea alone helped win the Cold War. Why make this comparison between Gingrich and Reagan? Make no mistake, I am not saying Newt is another Ron Reagan, but there are two reasons. First, perhaps the Tea Party has become SO extreme that even Ronald Reagan wouldn't meet their standards. Second, it demonstrates plainly that we the people should be very skeptical of the media's analysis of presidential candidates and decide for ourselves which candidate to support.

Wednesday, December 14, 2011

The VT Shooting...unanswered questions.

This needs no intro paragraph; everyone knows the story. But I have many questions about this I would like answered. 1. How many shots were fired at Officer Crouse? 1, 3, 10? How many times was he hit? No official answer. And where was Officer Crouse hit? These are standard details provided in any run-of-the-mill crime story, yet absent here. 2. What was the make and model of the car Officer Crouse had pulled over? I have looked at pics and videos from "breaking news" sources, and I see no car in front of his cruiser. 3. Reports say Officer Crouse was shot "in front of witnesses." But a witness also said later that when backup arrived, Officer Crouse "fell out of the car when they opened the door." Did NO ONE even approach his cruiser to offer aid if they had just seen him get shot? 4. Was the pulled-over driver the person who called 911? And what was the offense for which the driver had been pulled over? 5. Why would Ross Ashley drive his own car less than 2 miles to steal another person's car to drive less than 20 miles? Why not just drive the extra 12 miles to Blacksburg? 6. If Ross Ashley just wanted to kill at random, why was he so subdued and focused in the Radford real estate office, and why did he spare those 2 ladies? Wouldn't that suggest he was "on a mission?", i.e. this was a mean toward his ultimate goal. 7. When Ross Ashley entered the real estate office, armed, he didn't go in with a drawn gun, he specifically, and politely, asked for "her" and drew the gun later. He asked specifically for the keys to "her" vehicle. Why? And she says she had never met how did he know the Mercedes was "hers?" 8. Ross Ashley made no attempt to ditch the stolen Mercedes, instead he left it parked in perfect, returnable condition on the VT campus. Wouldn't that suggest that auto theft wasn't the motive? And wouldn't it also suggest that the VT campus was his specific destination? 9. Ross Ashley had the Mercedes available on the campus to drive away. Why, 30 minutes later, was he still lingering? Why didn't he just drive away? 10. If Ross Ashley had just killed a police officer in cold blood "in front of witnesses" and "with no apparent motive" why was he so terrified at the sight of another officer that he would kill himself in less time than it took that officer to turn his car around? This story is FAR from over. NOTHING is adding up....there is obviously a very specific motive here. This was NOT random. Eric

Monday, December 5, 2011

Mitt is "more electable?"

I wonder, in a high unemployment environment, how this picture is gonna play.
This is Romney as a manager of Bain Capital in the 90's, posing with his inner circle with so much cash they can wear it, eat it, play with it, or throw it away. Around the same time Speaker Gingrich was balancing four budgets, reforming welfare, and passing a balanced budget amendment; ALL OF WHICH he did against the opposition of a democrat president. I found this picture in one minute on google. Does anyone really think this will NOT come out in October 2012 if republicans are silly enough to nominate Romney?

In Orwell's "1984," the Ministries were similarly named...

Am I the only person who sees that we are being taxed into servitude to fund a Department of Energy that produces no energy, a Department of Justice that breaks the law, a Department of Defense that insults our allies, a Department of Labor overseeing 8.6% unemployment, a Department of Education producing ever-declining test scores, a Department of the Treasury that is broke, and a Department of the Interior that refuses to allow us to utilize our natural resources?

Click THIS!!

I see the local police departments are insulting my intelligence again with more "Click it or Ticket" ads. First of all, I offer my favorite response "Kiss it then Lick It!. " Second, I'm 40 years old. What right does anyone have to say that they are going to protect me from myself? Third, I hear the cops on the news say..."If you had to make the notifications about a death, you would understand..." WRONG....If I didn't want to make the notifications, I would get a different job. Finally, it doesn't have a damn thing to do with safety, it's just a backdoor mechanism for taxation.