Wednesday, January 4, 2012

This Ron Paul silliness...

This is short, but I'm getting over the flu. Ron Paul supporters are alot like Obama supporters in '08; pure hero worship. Ron Paul is a career congressman who has NO legislative achievements; EXCEPT logrolling BILLIONS in earmark dollars to Galveston, Texas. To contrast, in his years in Congress, Newt balanced four budgets, created a surplus, and forced a dem president to pass welfare reform. Gingrich is the real conservative candidate in this race. If you want to drive a Ron Paul drone crazy, ask them this question..."after over 20 years in the Congress, aside from voting "no" and earmarking funds to follow him home to the Galveston area, what has Ron Paul accomplished? What has he actually DONE?" Trust me, you will be met with either a barrage of insults or a deafening silence. What you will never hear is a coherent answer. Eric