Tuesday, November 22, 2011

The opposite of secession...

I wonder how much money and trouble we could save by kicking California out of the union? It has become such an anti-American socialist cesspool that it seems to be almost foreign. It is an interesting Constitutional question....does the Constitution offer any mechanism for expelling states from the union? As I read it, the answer is no. But, what if we use the amendment process? There are two different processes for amending the Constitution. The first originates in Congress. The second is as follows..."Two-thirds of the state legislatures ask Congress to call a national convention to propose amendments." This method has never been used. Now that free-market conservatives control the vast majority of state houses, it might be time to finally give this approach a try. The states that are fiscally responsible could issue an ultimatum to California; "Stop draining our resources, or we are going to propose an amendment removing your state from the union." It is the opposite of secession. And while we're on the idea...the Balanced Budget Amendment failed to get enough votes in the House last week.....why not use this approach to FORCE Congress to call the convention?

Saturday, November 19, 2011

Some little things in life that piss me off...

Today was a bad day, and I'm still in bad mood, so here goes. These are things that piss me off... 1) Assclowns who suck at their job, yet think they are maestros, even AFTER I bail them out of their own mess. 2) People who drive 52 mph in the left-hand lane. 3) Being squarely in the middle of Virginia, yet having to deal with people who cannot speak English. 4) Standing in line behind someone writing a damn paper check at the grocery store. (I haven't had a check in over five years.) 5) When option #3 on the phone menu is "pay bill NOW" but it still takes another seven minutes. 6) When I even have to "press 1 now" to get an English menu in the first place. 7) When anyone says "ATM Machine"...I KNOW WHAT THE "M" STANDS FOR YOU DON'T HAVE TO REMIND ME!!!!! 8) When something so simple as a cheeseburger, fries, coke order gets screwed up. 9) When people who don't know what the hell they are talking about offer up advice about something I have been doing for ten years. 10) When I can't think of anything positive to write about. These ALL happened today...I guess the good news is that tomorrow HAS to be better.

Tuesday, November 15, 2011

More bias...

Obama said yesterday that Hawaii was in Asia. The press let it go. Imagine if Newt Gingrich had said that?....The story would've lasted three weeks. But, at least he was at home in Hawaii, the 57th state.

Monday, November 14, 2011

I think "mouse trap" would have sufficed...

Herman Cain's wife...

I watched Herman Cain's wife, Gloria, in an interview with Greta Van Susteren tonight. I really, really felt sorry for her. She seems like a wonderful, southern lady who never really wanted any part of any of this. And she certainly didn't want to be in the interview...it was obvious just by watching her. But, Mrs. Cain played along and comported herself very well. Greta should've realized how uncomfortable Mrs. Cain was, and limited the interview to a shorter segment. Usually, I think Greta is a great interviewer, but she stretched this one out too long just for the ratings. At this point, I don't believe the allegations against Herman Cain....and I'm going to make this prediction to prove my point. As Newt Gingrich moves into the front-runner position in the next couple of weeks, wait and see, a round of similar unsubstantiated charges will be brought against him as well. And soon, his wife, Callista, will likely be in the same position as Mrs. Cain. It is politics at its worst, and it disgusts me.

Sunday, November 13, 2011

Let's all pitch in...

Maybe if we all send in $1, we can buy Ron Paul a jacket that isn't 3 sizes too big for his next debate.

Saturday, November 12, 2011

Forget about Occupy Wall Street....

The White House has been occupied by a gang of radical leftists since January 20, 2009.


I just finished watching most of the latest republican debate, and the issue of "waterboarding" was raised again. Should we "torture" terrorist suspects in order to gain intelligence in the war on terror? I thought this stupid question was dead and buried after the capture of Kalhid Sheik Muhammed, and the killing of Osama bin Laden; both of which were facilitated by using such techniques. But, it seems I thought wrong. So, here is my answer to the question. We have to understand that we are in a conflict with people who want to kill all of us. They have proven that they will kill THEMSELVES to accomplish that goal. That fact alone should lay this silly question to rest, but still it persists. So, it seems to me, we have to define what is and is not torture. Torture, in my mind, is forcing people to decide if they want to jump 105 stories from the north WTC tower or burn to death. Torture is forcing the passengers on flight 93 over Shanksville, PA to decide if they want to almost surely die fighting, or wait and hope inaction doesn't cause another 3,000 deaths. Torture is when these 12th century barbarians cut people's heads off and then proudly display their handiwork on the internet. What is NOT torture is pouring water over their faces to scare the hell out of them to get them to talk. Not ONE person has ever lost their life because of our version of "torture." In less than two hours, on September 11, 2001, over three thousand of our citizen lost their lives because of theirs. How stupid a question is it to ask whether or not we are treating kindly enough the people who want to kill us?

People were actually standing in line......

I stopped at Kroger on the way home from work tonight and saw people standing in line to use a machine called "CoinStar." (Okay, it was only two people, but that's still a "line.") I understand the argument people might make that CoinStar offers a convenience. But, I like to break things down to the brass tacks -- that is, what is the fundemental element of whatever I'm looking at. And it seems to me that "CoinStar" is basically a machine that allows the user to deposit $100, receive $96 in return and SOMEHOW walk away happy and satisfied! This is a phenomenally successful scam. I really wish I had thought of it. Again, logically boil it down, they have convinced people that $96 in paper money is worth more than $100 in metal money. It like the old trick question "Which weighs more, a pound of feathers or a pound of lead?" in reverse. These machines even play a video on the screen showing a woman smiling ear-to-ear, rejoicing that this machine just transformed her $100 into $96...despite the fact that she received NOTHING in return for her $4. People can be sold almost ANYTHING so long as it's packaged and marketed just right.