Tuesday, November 22, 2011

The opposite of secession...

I wonder how much money and trouble we could save by kicking California out of the union? It has become such an anti-American socialist cesspool that it seems to be almost foreign. It is an interesting Constitutional question....does the Constitution offer any mechanism for expelling states from the union? As I read it, the answer is no. But, what if we use the amendment process? There are two different processes for amending the Constitution. The first originates in Congress. The second is as follows..."Two-thirds of the state legislatures ask Congress to call a national convention to propose amendments." This method has never been used. Now that free-market conservatives control the vast majority of state houses, it might be time to finally give this approach a try. The states that are fiscally responsible could issue an ultimatum to California; "Stop draining our resources, or we are going to propose an amendment removing your state from the union." It is the opposite of secession. And while we're on the idea...the Balanced Budget Amendment failed to get enough votes in the House last week.....why not use this approach to FORCE Congress to call the convention?

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