Saturday, November 19, 2011

Some little things in life that piss me off...

Today was a bad day, and I'm still in bad mood, so here goes. These are things that piss me off... 1) Assclowns who suck at their job, yet think they are maestros, even AFTER I bail them out of their own mess. 2) People who drive 52 mph in the left-hand lane. 3) Being squarely in the middle of Virginia, yet having to deal with people who cannot speak English. 4) Standing in line behind someone writing a damn paper check at the grocery store. (I haven't had a check in over five years.) 5) When option #3 on the phone menu is "pay bill NOW" but it still takes another seven minutes. 6) When I even have to "press 1 now" to get an English menu in the first place. 7) When anyone says "ATM Machine"...I KNOW WHAT THE "M" STANDS FOR YOU DON'T HAVE TO REMIND ME!!!!! 8) When something so simple as a cheeseburger, fries, coke order gets screwed up. 9) When people who don't know what the hell they are talking about offer up advice about something I have been doing for ten years. 10) When I can't think of anything positive to write about. These ALL happened today...I guess the good news is that tomorrow HAS to be better.

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